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Today Tonight Tomorrow Tomorrow
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday
Partly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms Partly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers
Partly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms Partly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Partly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers
- - -
0.03in 60% 0.2in 70% 0.1in 60% 0.2in 84% 0.03in 34% - - 0.04in 35% 0.08in 61% 0.05in 56%
Wind from
1-5 mph4-6 mph5-8 mph4-5 mph2-3 mph2-4 mph4-7 mph6-8 mph4-8 mph3-4 mph
1 Bft
Light air
2 Bft
Light breeze
2 Bft
Light breeze
1 Bft
Light air
1 Bft
Light air
1 Bft
Light air
2 Bft
Light breeze
2 Bft
Light breeze
2 Bft
Light breeze
1 Bft
Light air
Pressure inHg
 Wednesday February 5      sunrise  7:30 am  sunset  6:11 pm   Daylight: 10 hrs 41 mins  
ConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationDirectionUV indexPressure
12 pm - 1 pm mc_day Mostly Cloudy 65° - WSW WSW
30.13 inHg
1 pm - 2 pm mc_day Partly Cloudy 65° - SW SW
30.11 inHg
2 pm - 3 pm mc_rain Partly Cloudy, Showers 65° 0.01 in 11% SW SW
30.09 inHg
3 pm - 4 pm mc_rain Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers 65° 0.01 in 25% SSW SSW - 30.08 inHg
4 pm - 5 pm mc_rain Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers 64° 0.01 in 43% SSW SSW - 30.08 inHg
5 pm - 6 pm mc_rain_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers Likely 63° 0.01 in 60% South South - 30.1 inHg
6 pm - 7 pm ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms 61° 0.01 in 58% SSE SSE - 30.09 inHg
7 pm - 8 pm ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms 59° 0.02 in 60% SSE SSE - 30.09 inHg
8 pm - 9 pm ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms 58° 0.02 in 60% SSE SSE - 30.09 inHg
9 pm - 10 pm ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 58° 0.02 in 65% SSE SSE - 30.11 inHg
10 pm - 11 pm ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 57° 0.02 in 59% SSE SSE - 30.1 inHg
11 pm - 12 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 57° 0.02 in 69% SSE SSE - 30.09 inHg
 Thursday February 6      sunrise  7:29 am  sunset  6:12 pm   Daylight: 10 hrs 43 mins  
ConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationDirectionUV indexPressure
12 am - 1 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 56° 0.02 in 70% South South - 30.08 inHg
1 am - 2 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 56° 0.02 in 66% South South - 30.07 inHg
2 am - 3 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Light Showers and Chance of Storms 55° 0.02 in 59% South South - 30.05 inHg
3 am - 4 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Chance of Storms 54° 0.02 in 45% South South - 30.05 inHg
4 am - 5 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Chance of Storms 55° 0.02 in 47% South South - 30.03 inHg
5 am - 6 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Chance of Storms 56° 0.02 in 44% SSW SSW - 30.04 inHg
6 am - 7 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers and Isolated Storms 56° 0.02 in 25% SSW SSW - 30.06 inHg
7 am - 8 am ovc_thun_dark Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers and Isolated Storms 56° 0.01 in 25% SW SW - 30.07 inHg
8 am - 9 am ovc_thun_dark Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers and Isolated Storms 56° 0.01 in 25% SW SW - 30.09 inHg
9 am - 10 am mc_rain Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers 59° 0.01 in 25% SW SW
30.09 inHg
10 am - 11 am mc_rain Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers 62° 0.01 in 25% SW SW
30.08 inHg
11 am - 12 pm mc_rain Partly Cloudy, Scattered Showers 65° 0.01 in 25% SW SW
30.07 inHg
12 pm - 1 pm ovc_thun_dark Partly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms 66° 0.01 in 60% SW SW - 30.05 inHg
1 pm - 2 pm ovc_thun_dark Partly Cloudy, Light Showers and Isolated Storms 67° 0.01 in 60% SW SW - 30.03 inHg